
LINNC Seminar 2022 – Americas Edition

by SilanAdmin SilanAdmin No Comments


With a worldwide panel of experts and increasing participation, LINNC Seminar is the American meeting of the LINNC family of neuroradiology and neurosurgery seminars.

Using an extensive library of prerecorded cases specially taped during the year, the LINNC Seminar and its international faculty offers a finely tuned reactivity, touching on the latest topics that matter to you, with interactive discussions that ensure you can “take home” the knowledge you need to improve your clinical practice today. Meet us on March 28-29,2022 at Miami!

Accreditation Statement
In support of improving patient care, this activity is planned and implemented by Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science and Live Interventional Neuroradiology & Neurosurgery Course (LINNC). Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

Credit Statement
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science designates this live activity for a maximum of 13.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

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by SilanAdmin SilanAdmin No Comments



Miércoles 3 de Noviembre de 2021

Grupo Español de Neurorradiología Intervencionista


María Torrens Pérez
699 857 469




16:00h: Presentación del curso.
Dr. Juan Macho. Presidente del GENI.

16:05-16:30h: Definición, clasificación y valoración clínico-radiológica de las MAVs cerebrales.
Dra. Sonia Mosteiro.

16:30-16:55h: Angioarquitectura de una MAV cerebral.
Dra. Teresa Díaz.

16:55-17:20h: Aspectos técnicos, materiales, técnica y riesgos de la embolización de las MAVs cerebrales.
Dr. Antonio Romance.

17:20-17:55h: Vía venosa secuencial: indicaciones y aspectos técnicos. Tips and Tricks en el tratamiento transvenoso de la MAVs cerebrales.
Dr. Claudio Rodríguez.

17:55-18:30h: Cómo ha revolucionado el acceso venoso el abordaje actual de las MAVs cerebrales.
Dr. Alberto Gil.

18:30-19:10h: Indicaciones y estrategias de la embolización pre radiocirugía de las MAVs cerebrales. Indicaciones y técnica de embolización de las MAVs espinales nutridas por la espinal anterior.
Dr. Alfredo Casasco.

19:10-19.40h: Evolución en el tratamiento endovascular de las MAVs y su impacto en el seguimiento a largo plazo.
Dr. Polo Guimaraens.

19.40h: Debate final sobre el manejo de las MAVs cerebrales con presentación de casos clínicos, y preguntas.
Dr. Antonio Romance.



Congreso SILAN Virtual, 4-5 nov. 2021

by SilanAdmin SilanAdmin No Comments


Las inscripciones son gratuitas. Para inscribirse, ir a la WEB DEL CONGRESO SILAN VIRTUAL


Fecha límite 15 de octubre.

Programa científico

Puede ver el programa actualizado en la WEB DEL CONGRESO SILAN VIRTUAL

Jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2021 Viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2021
7:00 EST Apertura del Congreso SILAN 2021. Dr. Manel Pumar (ESP) Carlos Torres (CAN)

Abertura do Congresso SILAN 2021. Dr. Manel Pumar (ESP) Carlos Torres (CAN).

Apertura del Congreso SILAN 2021. Dr. Manel Pumar (ESP), Dr. Pedro Lylyk (ARG)

Abertura do Congresso SILAN 2021. Dr. Manel Pumar (ESP), Dr. Pedro Lylyk (ARG).

07:20 – 07:40 Mielinizaciòn: lo normal y anormal

Mielinização: normal e anormal

Tratamiento aneurismas con FD: después de 14 años que aprendimos?

Tratamento de aneurismas com FD: Após 14 anos o que aprendemos?

07:40 -08:00 Enfermedades inmunomediadas de sustancia blanca

Doenças da substância branca imunomediadas

Aneurismas de bifurcación

Aneurismas da bifurcação.

08:00 – 08:20 Como interpretar patologias mitocondriales.

Como interpretar patologias mitocondriais.

MAV no rotas

MAV sem rotura.

08:20 – 08:40 Neurotoxicologia: Nueva era de addiciones.

Neurotoxicologia: Nova era de adições.

Indicaciones y resultados  en MAV cerebrales, técnicas multiplag y venosa

Indicações e resultados terapêuticos em MAV cerebral, técnicas multiplag e venosa.

08:40 – 09:00 Secuencias rápidas y corrección de movimiento (FAST) en el niño.

Sequências rápidas e correção de movimento (FAST) na criança.

Diversores en aneurismas distales y vasos de pequeño calibre

Diversores de fluxo em aneurismas distais e arterias de pequeno diâmetro.

MODULO Enfermedades Inflamatorias NMO MODULO ISQUÉMICO
09:00 – 09:20 NMO Trombectomía Mecánica con ventana extendida

Trombectomia mecânica com janela terapêutica alargada.

09:20 – 09:40 Fenotipos de enfermedades demielinizantes.

Fenótipos das doenças desmielinizantes.

Trombectomia distal

Trombectomia distal.

09:40 – 10:00 Encefalitis autoinmune

Encefalite autoimune.

Complicaciones en el tratamiento del stroke

Complicações no tratamento do AVC

10:00 – 10:20 Enfermedades inmunomediadas en médula espinal

Doenças imunomediadas da medula.

Estenosis intracraneana estado del arte (ICAD)

Estenose intracraniana estado da arte (ICAD)

10:20 – 10:40 Casos clínicos de enfermedades inmunomediadas

Casos clínicos de doenças imunomediadas.

Tratamiento endovascular estenosis carotídea  (Tanden)

Tratamento endovascular da estenose carotídea (Tanden)

10:40 – 11:10 INVITADO Avances en la Educacion de Neuroradiologia. SIMPOSIO Conjunto  Industria
11:10 – 11:30 Trauma vascular

Trauma vascular

Fístulas medulares

Fístulas arterio-venosas medulares.

11:30 – 11:50 Trauma pediátrico no accidental

Trauma pediátrico não acidental

Estado del arte: embolización de tumores cerebrales y Retinoblastoma

Estado da arte: embolização de tumores cerebrais e retinoblastoma.

11:50 A 12:10 Que necesita saber el cirujano en Trauma raquimedular?

O que o cirurgião precisa de saber no trauma raquimedular ?

Embolización hematoma subdural crónico

Embolização de hematoma subdural crónico.

12:10 – 12:30 RM en carga: otra herramienta diagnóstica en el estudio del dolor lumbar

RM em carga: Outra ferramenta de diagnóstico no estudo da dor lombar

Hipertensión intracranial ideopática

Hipertensão intracraniana idiopática.Hipertensão intracraniana idiopática.

15 minutos DESCANSO
12:45 – 14:10 SIMPOSIO Conjunto  Industria SIMPOSIO Conjunto  Industria
14:10 – 14:30 Tumores gliales de alto grado, Nuevos conceptos.

Tumores gliais de alto grau, novos conceitos.

Robótica en el tratamiento de aneurismas

A Robótica no tratamento de aneurismas.

14:30 – 14:50 Complicaciones en el tratamiento de Tumores Cerebrales Inmunoterapia!

Complicações no tratamento de tumores cerebrais Imunoterapia!

Dispositivos intrasaculares (Contour/Web)

Dispositivos intrasaculares (Contour / Web).

14:50 – 15:10 Radiogenomica en tumores embrionarios

Radiogenoma dos tumores embrionários.

Nuevos horizontes en terapia endovascular

Novos horizontes em terapia endovascular.

15:10 – 15:30 Nuevas técnicas de RM en patología de cabeza y ceullo (difusión y perfusión)

Novas técnicas de RM em patologia de cabeça e pescoço (difusão e perfusão).

Tratamiento endovascular de la Hidrocefalia

Tratamento endovascular da hidrocefalia.

15:30 – 15:50 Es tumor si o no ? Casos clinicos

É tumor sim ou não? Casos Clínicos

15:50 – 16:20 INVITADO CHARLA MAGISTRAL AI SIMPOSIO Conjunto  Industria
16:20 – 16:40 Avances en las imagenes de Vasculitis e Imagenes de pared vascular

Progressos em imagem da vasculite e da parede arterial

Trabajos libres seleccionados

Trabalhos livres selecionados

16:40 – 17:00 ACV relacionado a COVID. Que aprendimos?

AVC relacionado ao COVID. O que aprendemos?



17:00 – 17:20 Infartos venosos, un diagnostico complejo.

Enfartos venosos, um diagnóstico complexo.



* IMPORTANTE: El horario está en la referencia horaria Georgetown (UTC-04).
Puede consultar el equivalente a su país desde aquí:


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4th SYMTAS, 23-24 Sep 2021, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

by SilanAdmin SilanAdmin No Comments

We are pleased to announce that the 4th International Symposium on Mechanical Thrombectomy Acute Stroke (SYMTAS) will be held from 23-24 September 2021 in Santiago de CompostelaSpain. SYMTAS is the successor of “International Symposium on Thrombectomy in Acute Ischemic Stroke”, which was founded by José M Pumar and José A Castillo in 2017.

The symposia have provided opportunities to discuss the possibility of reperfusion therapy and encouraged investigators in many countries to design controlled clinical trials on the efficacy and safety of thrombolytic therapy. The contribution of the symposia is enormous in the development of reperfusion therapy for acute ischemic stroke. Now, Mechanical Thrombectomy therapy has become a standard therapy for acute stroke for ELVO, has been recently shown to be beneficial in randomized clinical trials and is now regarded as another strategy.

This two-day meeting will provide opportunities for stroke neurologists, neurosurgeons, interventionists, researchers, to meet and discuss both current and future issues related to reperfusion therapy and acute stroke treatment. We will share the update of the current trials and new data from the trials presented at the SYMTAS 2017, SYMTAS 2018 and SYMTAS 2019. We will also address many areas of interest linked to recanalization, including the critical care for such patients, complications, prevention of recurrence, novel devices designs, and relevant strategies. We encourage you to join us, for the meeting and to share your research and exchange views with your peers.

Santiago de Compostela (Old Town) is located in Galicia, situated in the far north-west of Spain. Is very beautiful, harmonious and well preserved and hosts its five-centennial university, one of the most prestigious universities in Europe. Santiago de Compostela

The cathedral, considered as a masterpiece of Romanesque architecture, keeps the remarkable Pórtico de la Gloria, a jewel of the medieval sculpture. However, the authentic symbol of the city is the Baroque western façade of the cathedral, which forms one of the sides of the square of Obradoiro, one of the world´s most beautiful urban areas.

Camino de Santiago (Way of St. James, Chemin de Saint Jacques, Jackobsweg, O Caminho de Santiago, Il Cammino di Santiago). The routes leading to Santiago are busier than ever with pilgrims from all over the world, resulting in a fusion of languages, customs and a continual cultural exchange.

Other suggestions from former visitors in «Things to do» or in «Things to visit».

Hope to see you in Santiago de Compostela, Spain in 23-24 September, 2021.


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24th Annual Symposium of the American Society of Spine Radiology: Virtual Edition

by SilanAdmin SilanAdmin No Comments


The 24th Annual Symposium of the American Society of Spine Radiology (ASSR) will be held virtually February 19-21, 2021. Our core mission is to continue to expand our scientific and clinical diagnostic and interventional knowledge in acute and chronic spinal disease in adults and children.

Since the spring of 2020, we have been faced with triple crises; an unprecedented pandemic, accompanied by economic and social justice challenges. We will be discussing these important issues in context of spinal care in our opening session, The Spine in Triple Crises. Several collaborative sessions with other societies are planned for 2021. For the first time, the National Osteoporosis Foundation and the ASSR will co-brand a session called The Osteoporosis Treatment Gap which will serve to educate participants about this terrible disease. The Society of Interventional Oncology (SIO), Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR) and ASSR will provide a combined session on Interventional Oncology. The Young Professional Society (ASNR) and the ASSR will present Learning, Teaching and Practice Building.

New this year is Spine Care around the World. With the virtual platform we have the opportunity to encourage participation from a multidisciplinary group of spine experts spanning 5 continents, including Asia and Australia allowing ASSR to showcase spine care excellence around the globe.





by SilanAdmin SilanAdmin No Comments


Cada sesión del ComBINE tendrá una duración de 90 minutos máximo.

La primera parte, de unos 30 minutos, consistirá en una revisión bibliográfica sobre temas actuales en patología cerebrovascular tanto isquémica como hemorrágica, siguiendo el formato clásico de contestar preguntas clínicas con la mayor evidencia científica posible, buscando una aplicación directa y práctica a dichas revisiones bibliográficas. El formato será de 15 minutos de revisión bibliográfica y 15 minutos de discusión con el panel de expertos.

En la segunda parte, de unos 50 minutos, dos expertos nos darán su visión sobre un aspecto especifico de la patología cerebrovascular. El formato será de 15 minutos de presentación de cada uno de ellos con 10 minutos de discusión entre el panel de expertos.


Horas lectivas:
90 minutos cada sesión

del 26 de Enero al 23 de Noviembre 2021

de 17:00h a 18:30h

Sede del curso
Curso online retransmitido por ZOOM

Dirección y cordinación
Dr. Antonio López Rueda.
Adjunto de la sección de neuro intervencionismo del Servicio de Radiodiagnóstico.
Centro Diagnóstico por la Imagen. Hospital Clinic de Barcelona

Secretaría Técnica, información y reserva de plazas
Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. Aula Clínic
C/ Villarroel, 170. 08036 Barcelona
Escalera 12, Pl. 4
Maria Torrens
Tel.: 93 227 98 52


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[CANCELLED] 4th SYMTAS, 28-29 May 2020, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

by SilanAdmin SilanAdmin No Comments


After the evolution in the last weeks in relation to the coronavirus COVID-19, the organization of the symposium announces the definitive cancellation of the 4th International Symposium on Mechanical Thrombectomy Acute Stroke (SYMTAS) scheduled for September 3-4, 2020. We regret all the inconveniences that this situation has generated and we hope to see you again in the next edition.


The 4th International Symposium on Mechanical Thrombectomy Acute Stroke (SYMTAS) will be held from 28-29 May 2020 in Santaigo de CompostelaSpain. SYMTAS is the successor of «International Symposium on Thrombectomy in Acute Ischemic Stroke», which was founded by José M Pumar and José A Castillo in 2017.

The symposia have provided opportunities to discuss the possibility of reperfusion therapy and encouraged investigators in many countries to design controlled clinical trials on the efficacy and safety of thrombolytic therapy. The contribution of the symposia is enormous in the development of reperfusion therapy for acute ischemic stroke. Now, Mechanical Thrombectomy therapy has become a standard therapy for acute stroke for ELVO, has been recently shown to be beneficial in randomized clinical trials and is now regarded as another strategy.

This two-day meeting will provide opportunities for stroke neurologists, neurosurgeons, interventionists, researchers, to meet and discuss both current and future issues related to reperfusion therapy and acute stroke treatment. We will share the update of the current trials and new data from the trials presented at the SYMTAS 2017, SYMTAS 2018 and SYMTAS 2019. We will also address many areas of interest linked to recanalization, including the critical care for such patients, complications, prevention of recurrence, novel devices designs, and relevant strategies. We encourage you to join us, for the meeting and to share your research and exchange views with your peers.


More info:



IX NEURO IMC – 10th – 11th January 2020, Madrid, Spain

by SilanAdmin SilanAdmin No Comments


One more year, we have the pleasure to present the IX Neuro Internventional Master Course, “ADVANCES IN NEUROINTERVENTIONAL PROCEDURES” to be held at Catalonia Las Cortes Hotel at the heart of the neighboring of Letters.

Those who already know us and had come to our conventions know that our ultimate goal is the excellence. We break the protocol and approach teachers and students in a relaxed, comfortable and familiar environment where discussions are always open.

As previous years, we present the news in the form of excellence with a masters meeting. The Pioneers of the XXI century. The experts will come from the five continents to give master lectures and talks in a new format close family meeting. I promise to surprise you again.


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by SilanAdmin SilanAdmin No Comments


The philosophy of our meeting is persistent with ‘all’ live cases accompanied by open discussion and it rotates around the world, from one continent to the other each year.

This conference is designed for neurosurgeons, interventional neuroradiologists, neurologists, endovascular surgeons, residents, nurse clinicians, physician assistants and interventional technicians, and other health care professionals with a special interest in the field of neurointerventional and cerebrovascular surgery and will be directly applicable to their practices.

WLNC provides the latest evidence-based data presented by leading physicians, nurses, and scientists that will affect the practice of neurointervention and endovascular medicine. WLNC showcases the practical applications of current and emerging techniques and technologies and unparalleled diversity of live-case presentations from universities and medical centers from around the world. In the field of neurointervention, only WLNC combines the hands on and practical learning that physicians need to improve patient outcomes.

The overall goal of this activity is to improve competence and performance of our target audience by delivering cutting-edge educational content that showcases the latest advances in current therapies and clinical research. We hope that our longstanding commitment to lifesaving innovation will translate into improved patient care.

This conference is partially funded through educational grants from commercial supporters. The Cerebrovascular Research and Educational Foundation (CREF) ensure that its programs are educational and meet the needs of the target audience. To support this endeavor, the directors and co-directors of WLNC create organizational and scientific committees to assist in the development and oversight of educational content for live cases, e-poster sessions, practical workshops (learning labs), and scientific lectures. These sessions are developed without influence from commercial supporters.


WLNC is pleased to offer sponsor companies the opportunity to provide hands-on interactive training to professional attendees of WLNC 2019. Learning Labs are dedicated to creating an intimate educational atmosphere in which physicians and healthcare professionals can interact with a company’s clinical specialist to enhance their knowledge and understanding of treatment techniques and devices.